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Feds facing $32B pay, pension hit: Time to bite back?

In a worst-case scenario on Capitol Hill, federal and postal workers could be hit by changes that would permanently cut their take-home pay, make voluntary or mandatory early retirement more costly and eliminate the FERS retirement program for future hires. But there is light, maybe, at the end of the tunnel. If you flex your political muscle.

In addition to increasing employee contributions to the FERS plan (by 1 percentage point each year for six years) the budget resolution would gradually decrease the government’s share of employee-retiree health premiums. Currently, agencies pay an average of 72 percent of the total premium. Under the new budget plan, government contributions would be linked to the cost of living, gradually lowering them while forcing workers and retirees to pay a larger portion of the total premium.

When and if the budget plan is approved — and the Senate would have to agree — the government would eliminate the supplemental benefit for employees who retire before age 62 (when they become eligible for Social Security). Those supplement payments can be worth thousands of dollars. Many federal workers — law enforcement officers, firefighters and others in high-stress jobs — are forced to retire at age 57. The financial hit to them would be very serious.

There have been efforts, under both Republicans and Democrats, to reduce federal worker/retiree benefits for years. Unions, professional associations and groups representing retirees have successfully fought them off. But this year may be different.


2018 Contract Campaign and Slogan Contest!


08/18/2017 - The APWU’s national headquarters is gearing up for the upcoming 2018 Contract Campaign! And you can get involved by entering our contest to help us come up with our campaign slogan (click here for flyer and and see details below).


The current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), also known as a union contract, between the APWU and the USPS expires on Sept. 20, 2018 – just a little over one year from now. The contract determines wages, benefits and conditions of employment.

In June 2018, the APWU will open formal negotiations with management, and preparations are already underway. Some of the APWU’s major goals for upcoming negotiations include:

  • Ensuring job security, including protecting no lay-off provisions and limiting sub-contracting;
  • Providing fair pay raises that reward postal workers for their hard work and contributions;
  • Bridging the gaps between the divisive “three tier” wage and benefit structure;
  • Protecting and expanding career jobs;
  • Uplifting the Postal Support Employee (PSE) workforce;
  • Holding abusive managers accountable;
  • Expanding and enhancing postal services.


Union Family Flies to Puerto Rico to Assist Relief Efforts


10/06/2017 - When disaster strikes, workers can be counted on to show up and help out in times of need. When the call came in the wake of the aftermath of Hurricane Maria’s devastation, it was no different – our union family stepped up to support our sisters and brothers in Puerto Rico.




San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz thanks all the union volunteers who traveled to help with relief efforts in Puerto Rico.


On Oct. 4, the AFL-CIO, the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA), the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), the National Nurses United (NNU) and United Airlines worked together to fly more than 300 skilled volunteers to assist the recovery efforts in Puerto Rico for two weeks. (Click here for photos.)


Oppose the 2018 House Budget - Fight Again for Working Families!


10/02/2017 - The House of Representatives is expected to vote this Wednesday on its Fiscal Year 2018 budget resolution, which includes an outright assault on postal and federal workers!

CALL 1-844-402-1001 NOW! Tell your member of Congress to VOTE NO against any budget that includes attacks to postal and federal employees’ benefits, including retirement benefits, or undermines the public Postal Service itself!

As currently written, this budget will slash the pay and benefits of postal employees. It calls for:

  • Increasing employee pension contributions into FERS, amounting to a pay cut of thousands of dollars a year for each FERS postal employee.
  • Taking away the Social Security supplement for FERS employees who retire before they are eligible for Social Security benefits.
  • Outright eliminating pensions for new hires.


URGENT ACTION ALERT: Affordable Care Act Repeal is Back!


09/19/2017 - This week, the U.S. Senate is working on their newest attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Graham-Cassidy bill, a last-ditch effort to repeal the ACA, is gaining steam, and Senators are hoping to bring it to a vote by September 30. This bill, like other repeal attempts, is riddled with catastrophic measures, including:

  • Dropping an estimated 32 million people from their coverage;
  • Ending Medicaid expansion, currently covering 11 million low-income adults;
  • Ending federal protections for those with pre-existing conditions.

This is just the tip of the iceberg - there are many other detrimental provisions of this bill. We need to take this seriously and fight back once again. Please join your union brothers and sisters from around the country in urging your Senator to vote NO on the Graham-Cassidy Affordable Care Act repeal bill.

The APWU is committed to fighting so that all Americans have access to the highest quality and most cost-effective health care services, regardless of their employment, income, or health care status.

There is much work still to be done, but millions of Americans, including our friends, families, and communities rely on the ACA. While we must continue to work towards affordable and quality health care as a right for all, any attempt to repeal ACA takes us in the wrong direction. We have to hold the line.

Call 1-888-865-8089 TODAY to urge your Senator to vote NO on the Graham-Cassidy Affordable Care Act repeal bill!


Next Steps for Irma Relief


We have received an outpouring of support from our Labor family across the state to help the victims of Hurricane Irma with the essentials they need to get back on their feet.

Now, we’ve taken the next step to ensure working families who are struggling get direct disaster relief.

The Florida Workers Relief Fund is now accepting applications for disaster relief through our website for qualifying union members and community allies.

By filling out the online application, we will be able to assess the best ways the state federation can support victims who were the most impacted by Hurricane Irma. 

For those who weathered the storm, continue to support struggling workers by contributing through the Florida Workers Relief Fund donation page at funds you donate today will help provide gas cards, rebuilding supplies, food, water and other essentials for Florida families in need.

If you are generous enough to lend a helping hand, we have volunteer opportunities across the state through our ten Central Labor Councils. From community cookouts and water distribution, to lending supplies and tools for rebuilding, any and all help is welcome. Fill out a volunteer form by visiting and we will connect you with local efforts.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us at our main office in Tallahassee - (850) 224-6926.


Mike Williams. President 
Andrew Spar, Secretary/Treasurer

Support Postal Employees Impacted by Irma


09/15/2017 - Recovery had only just begun from Hurricane Harvey when Hurricane Irma delivered a second punch, leaving in its trail devastation that affects postal workers in the Caribbean, Florida and many parts of the south. It will be a long road to recovery for her victims.

APWU members can offset the devastation by donating to the Postal Employees’ Relief Fund (PERF). There are several ways to securely donate:

  1. By designating #10268 during the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) employees can often give more generously by making small, bi-weekly contributions throughout the year through payroll deduction. The CFC is set to kick-off in less than a month, on October 2.
  2. Anyone can make contributions anytime of the year by credit card through PERF’s website. The site allows donors to make a one-time donation or to set automatic, recurring donations.
  3. Checks or money orders are also accepted throughout the year. Donations should be mailed directly to the:

    Postal Employees' Relief Fund
    PO Box 7630
    Woodbridge, VA 22195


Hurricane Irma UPDATE





General Membership Meeting - RESCHEDULED













Meeting will be held Saturday,

September 23, 2017

Emergency Hotline - Hurricane Irma








800-955-8013 (Hearing Impaired)

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