McCain Introduces Version of Issa’s Bill in the Senate

What can you do to help? Contact your member of Congress today! Ask them to please cosponsor and support H.R. 1351 and oppose H.R. 2309. You can reach your member of Congress by calling the Capitol Hill switchboard today at (202) 224-3121 or to find your member of congress click here.

After you call your member of congress make sure to also send them a quick message asking them to oppose H.R. 2309 by clicking here!

To send your member of congress a quick message asking them to cosponsor and support H.R. 1351 please click here.

Below you will find a list of those members of congress who have signed on in support of H.R. 1351 since 09/26/2011. If you see your member of Congress below please thank them for supporting H.R. 1351. There are currently 220 members signed on as a cosponsor.


Hoyer, Steny    D-MD-05
Johnson, Timothy    R-IL-15
Lewis, John    D-GA-05
Renacci, James    R-OH-16
Sablan, Gregorio    D-MP-DL


Below you will find a list of those members of Congress who have not yet signed on as a cosponsor of H.R. 1351. If you see your member of Congress listed below please reach out to them and ask that the cosponsor and support H.R. 1351.


Adams, Sandy    R-FL-24
Aderholt, Robert    R-AL-04
Akin, Todd    R-MO-02
Alexander, Rodney    R-LA-05
Amash, Justin    R-MI-03
Amodei, Mark    R-NV-02
Austria, Steve    R-OH-07
Bachmann, Michele    R-MN-06
Bachus, Spencer    R-AL-06
Bartlett, Roscoe    R-MD-06
Barton, Joe    R-TX-06
Benishek, Dan    R-MI-01
Berg, Rick    R-ND-AL
Biggert, Judy    R-IL-13
Bilbray, Brian    R-CA-50
Bilirakis, Gus    R-FL-09
Black, Diane    R-TN-06
Blackburn, Marsha    R-TN-07
Boehner, John    R-OH-08
Bonner, Josiah    R-AL-01
Bono Mack, Mary    R-CA-45
Boustany, Charles    R-LA-07
Brady, Kevin    R-TX-08
Brooks, Mo    R-AL-05
Broun, Paul    R-GA-10
Buchanan, Vern    R-FL-13
Bucshon, Larry    R-IN-08
Buerkle, Ann Marie    R-NY-25
Burgess, Michael    R-TX-26
Burton, Dan    R-IN-05
Calvert, Ken    R-CA-44
Camp, David    R-MI-04
Campbell, John    R-CA-48
Canseco, Francisco    R-TX-23
Cantor, Eric    R-VA-07
Capito, Shelley    R-WV-02
Cassidy, Bill    R-LA-06
Chabot, Steve    R-OH-01
Chaffetz, Jason    R-UT-03
Clyburn, James    D-SC-06
Coble, Howard    R-NC-06
Coffman, Mike    R-CO-06
Cole, Thomas    R-OK-04
Conaway, Michael    R-TX-11
Cooper, Jim    D-TN-05
Cravaack, Chip    R-MN-08
Crawford, Rick    R-AR-01
Crenshaw, Ander    R-FL-04
Culberson, John    R-TX-07
Davis, Geoff    R-KY-04
Denham, Jeff    R-CA-19
DesJarlais, Scott    R-TN-04
Diaz-Balart, Mario    R-FL-21
Dold, Robert    R-IL-10
Dreier, David    R-CA-26
Duffy, Sean    R-WI-07
Duncan, Jeff    R-SC-03
Duncan, John    R-TN-02
Ellmers, Renee    R-NC-02
Faleomavaega, Eni    D-AS-DL
Farenthold, Blake    R-TX-27
Fincher, Stephen    R-TN-08
Flake, Jeffrey    R-AZ-06
Fleischmann, Charles    R-TN-03
Fleming, John    R-LA-04
Flores, Bill    R-TX-17
Forbes, J.    R-VA-04
Fortenberry, Jeffrey    R-NE-01
Foxx, Virginia    R-NC-05
Franks, Trent    R-AZ-02
Frelinghuysen, Rodney    R-NJ-11
Gallegly, Elton    R-CA-24
Gardner, Cory    R-CO-04
Garrett, Scott    R-NJ-05
Gibbs, Robert    R-OH-18
Gibson, Chris    R-NY-20
Giffords, Gabrielle    D-AZ-08
Gingrey, Phil    R-GA-11
Gohmert, Louie    R-TX-01
Goodlatte, Robert    R-VA-06
Gosar, Paul    R-AZ-01
Gowdy, Trey    R-SC-04
Granger, Kay    R-TX-12
Graves, Samuel    R-MO-06
Graves, Tom    R-GA-09
Griffin, Tim    R-AR-02
Griffith, Morgan    R-VA-09
Guinta, Franklin    R-NH-01
Guthrie, S.    R-KY-02
Hall, Ralph    R-TX-04
Harper, Gregg    R-MS-03
Harris, Andy    R-MD-01
Hartzler, Vicky    R-MO-04
Hastings, Richard    R-WA-04
Hayworth, Nan    R-NY-19
Heck, Joseph    R-NV-03
Hensarling, Jeb    R-TX-05
Herger, Wally    R-CA-02
Herrera Beutler, Jaime    R-WA-03
Huelskamp, Tim    R-KS-01
Huizenga, Bill    R-MI-02
Hultgren, Randy    R-IL-14
Hunter, Duncan    R-CA-52
Hurt, Robert    R-VA-05
Issa, Darrell    R-CA-49
Johnson, Bill    R-OH-06
Johnson, Samuel    R-TX-03
Jordan, Jim    R-OH-04
Kelly, Mike    R-PA-03
King, Steve    R-IA-05
Kingston, Jack    R-GA-01
Kinzinger, Adam    R-IL-11
Kline, John    R-MN-02
Labrador, Raul    R-ID-01
Lamborn, Doug    R-CO-05
Landry, Jeff    R-LA-03
Lankford, James    R-OK-05
Latta, Robert    R-OH-05
Lewis, Jerry    R-CA-41
Long, Billy    R-MO-07
Lucas, Frank    R-OK-03
Luetkemeyer, Blaine    R-MO-09
Lummis, Cynthia    R-WY-AL
Lungren, Daniel    R-CA-03
Mack, Connie    R-FL-14
Marchant, Kenneth    R-TX-24
McCarthy, Kevin    R-CA-22
McCaul, Michael    R-TX-10
McClintock, Tom    R-CA-04
McCotter, Thaddeus    R-MI-11
McHenry, Patrick    R-NC-10
McKeon, Howard    R-CA-25
McMorris Rodgers, Cathy    R-WA-05
Mica, John    R-FL-07
Miller, Candice    R-MI-10
Miller, Gary    R-CA-42
Miller, Jeff    R-FL-01
Mulvaney, Mick    R-SC-05
Murphy, Tim    R-PA-18
Myrick, Sue    R-NC-09
Neugebauer, Randy    R-TX-19
Noem, Kristi    R-SD-AL
Nugent, Richard    R-FL-05
Nunes, Devin    R-CA-21
Nunnelee, Alan    R-MS-01
Olson, Pete    R-TX-22
Palazzo, Steven    R-MS-04
Paul, Ronald    R-TX-14
Paulsen, Erik    R-MN-03
Pearce, Steve    R-NM-02
Pelosi, Nancy    D-CA-08
Pence, Michael    R-IN-06
Petri, Thomas    R-WI-06
Pitts, Joseph    R-PA-16
Poe, Ted    R-TX-02
Pompeo, Mike    R-KS-04
Posey, Bill    R-FL-15
Price, Thomas    R-GA-06
Quayle, Ben    R-AZ-03
Reed, Tom    R-NY-29
Rehberg, Dennis    R-MT-AL
Reichert, David    R-WA-08
Ribble, Reid    R-WI-08
Rigell, Scott    R-VA-02
Rivera, David    R-FL-25
Roby, Martha    R-AL-02
Roe, David    R-TN-01
Rogers, Harold    R-KY-05
Rogers, Michael    R-MI-08
Rogers, Michael    R-AL-03
Rohrabacher, Dana    R-CA-46
Rokita, Todd    R-IN-04
Rooney, Thomas    R-FL-16
Roskam, Peter    R-IL-06
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana    R-FL-18
Ross, Dennis    R-FL-12
Royce, Edward    R-CA-40
Ryan, Paul    R-WI-01
Scalise, Steve    R-LA-01
Schilling, Robert    R-IL-17
Schmidt, Jeannette    R-OH-02
Schock, Aaron    R-IL-18
Schweikert, David    R-AZ-05
Scott, Austin    R-GA-08
Scott, Tim    R-SC-01
Sensenbrenner, Jim    R-WI-05
Sessions, Pete    R-TX-32
Shimkus, John    R-IL-19
Shuster, William    R-PA-09
Simpson, Mike    R-ID-02
Smith, Adrian    R-NE-03
Smith, Lamar    R-TX-21
Southerland, Steve    R-FL-02
Stearns, Clifford    R-FL-06
Stivers, Steve    R-OH-15
Stutzman, Marlin    R-IN-03
Sullivan, John    R-OK-01
Terry, Lee    R-NE-02
Thompson, Glenn    R-PA-05
Thornberry, Mac    R-TX-13
Tiberi, Patrick    R-OH-12
Tipton, Scott    R-CO-03
Turner, Bob    R-NY-09
Turner, Michael    R-OH-03
Upton, Frederick    R-MI-06
Walberg, Tim    R-MI-07
Walden, Gregory    R-OR-02
Walsh, Joe    R-IL-08
Webster, Daniel    R-FL-08
West, Allen    R-FL-22
Westmoreland, Lynn    R-GA-03
Whitfield, Edward    R-KY-01
Wilson, Joe    R-SC-02
Wittman, Robert    R-VA-01
Wolf, Frank    R-VA-10
Womack, Steve    R-AR-03
Woodall, Rob    R-GA-07
Yoder, Kevin    R-KS-03
Young, C.W.    R-FL-10
Young, Todd    R-IN-09