Emergency Legislative Alert!

If your representative is a member of the Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, U.S. Postal Service and Labor Policy, it is imperative that they hear from you before the Committee meeting on Wednesday, Sept 21!  Please call their office and urge them to oppose H.R. 2309 during the markup.  An email message won’t do!  Please call, and then share with your co-workers and ask them to call too!  We need your help in the next 24 hours to defeat this attack on postal workers and their families.

The members of the Subcommittee are listed below:

Amash, Justin    R    H    MI    03    (202) 225-3831
Chaffetz, Jason    R    H    UT    03    (202) 225-7751
Connolly, Gerald    D    H    VA    11    (202) 225-1492
Davis, Danny    D    H    IL    07    (202) 225-5006
Gowdy, Trey    R    H    SC    04    (202) 225-6030
Jordan, Jim    R    H    OH    04    (202) 225-2676
Lynch, Stephen    D    H    MA    09    (202) 225-8273
Mack, Connie    R    H    FL    14    (202) 225-2536
Norton, Eleanor    D    H    DC    DL    (202) 225-8050
Ross, Dennis    R    H    FL    12    (202) 225-1252
Walberg, Tim    R    H    MI    07    (202) 225-6276